Wednesday, October 19, 2011

100 Acquaintances or 1 Best Friend?

That's the question: Would you rather have 100 acquaintances or 1 best friend?

After moving twice in middle school and again after college I've come to the realization I'd rather have a couple best friends.  I've always been one to dabble in many friend groups, but those are just social circles or what I refer to as surface friendships--they have no meaning.

Over the past year I've closed a lot of doors on relationships and realized that I'm really not missing out by not having those "surface" people around.  I would much rather have one or two real true friends that actually know me.  The ones who know when I'm having a bad day, the ones who call just to say hi, the ones who make me feel important even in their busy schedules, the ones I call to share big news, the ones that remind me how special I am, the ones who reassure me that the guy I may have been crushing on who just crushed me is the one who's missing out and the ones who happily lend a shoulder to cry on.  Of course, this goes both ways.

THANK YOU to my special close friends, you know who you are!

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