Wednesday, October 19, 2011

100 Acquaintances or 1 Best Friend?

That's the question: Would you rather have 100 acquaintances or 1 best friend?

After moving twice in middle school and again after college I've come to the realization I'd rather have a couple best friends.  I've always been one to dabble in many friend groups, but those are just social circles or what I refer to as surface friendships--they have no meaning.

Over the past year I've closed a lot of doors on relationships and realized that I'm really not missing out by not having those "surface" people around.  I would much rather have one or two real true friends that actually know me.  The ones who know when I'm having a bad day, the ones who call just to say hi, the ones who make me feel important even in their busy schedules, the ones I call to share big news, the ones that remind me how special I am, the ones who reassure me that the guy I may have been crushing on who just crushed me is the one who's missing out and the ones who happily lend a shoulder to cry on.  Of course, this goes both ways.

THANK YOU to my special close friends, you know who you are!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Everything Happens for a Reason

I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so you can learn to let go. Things go wrong so you can appreciate them when they're right. You believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself. And sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.
-Marilyn Monroe

I couldn't agree more with all of the above.  We may not always understand why, but I believe that with our life purpose, things always go exactly as they should.  This includes relationships, events, jobs, good times and bad.  In the end, there is a lesson to be learned.  Are you learning?

Monday, October 3, 2011

Trust Your Instincts

We all have an inner voice that guides us when we're in trouble or when we question something.  There's nothing greater than trusting your instincts.  I learned a valuable lesson this past weekend when I was running errands.  I grabbed my smaller purse and had an urge to grab my entire wallet and camera rather than just my ID and credit card while shopping.  At some point in the day someone helped themselves into my car and stole my purse.  Luckily I had the goods, but had I not trusted that inner voice I would have been out a lot more than my favorite JSimps purse.
The same goes for situations at work, with friends, family etc.  When something doesn't feel right, something's not adding up, trust your instincts.  They've never done me wrong!